Wild Birds Unlimited of Culpeper
RetailDementia Friendly BusinessesWoman Owned
Wed-Mon. 9:30-5:30
Tues. 12-4
Driving Directions:
We are located in the shopping center with Target, Michaels and Petsmart. We are nestled between GNC and China Inn.
About Us
Wild Birds Unlimited is excited to open in Culpeper. We carry everything for your bird watching hobby. Our specialty blends of bird seed is designed to bring many feathered friends to your yard. Stop in and lets talk about the birds!

Windmill Heights and Wild Birds Unlimited are partnering up!
- native plants, native trees, native shrubs, native flowers, pollinators, birds, gardening, free information
- Saturday Mar 29, 2025

Culpeper Chamber of Commerce
629 Sperryville Pike
Suite 100
Culpeper, VA 22701
Phone: 540.825.8628